Dim c(4) As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1 Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2 Input #1, x c(1) = 1: c(2) = 5: c(3) = 10: c(4) = 50 Print #2, abc(x, 4) Close #2 Close #1 End Sub Function abc(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer) As Long If j = 1 Then abc = 1 Else If i < c(j) Then abc = abc(i, j - 1) Else abc = abc(i, j - 1) + abc(i - c(j), j) End If End If End Function
Dim c(4) As Integer Dim money(1000) As Long Private Sub Form_Activate() c(2) = 5: c(3) = 10: c(4) = 50 Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1 Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2 Input #1, x For i = 0 To x money(i) = 1 Next i For i = 2 To 4 For j = 1 To x If j >= c(i) Then money(j) = money(j) + money(j - c(i)) End If Next j Next i Print #2, money(x) Close #1 Close #2 End End Sub
老師 那個C++ 有點看不懂說@@
回覆刪除方法 大致上是理解,不過老師是要讓我們練習遞迴還是迴圈呢?
Dim c(4) As Integer
回覆刪除Private Sub Form_Load()
Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1
Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2
Input #1, x
c(1) = 1: c(2) = 5: c(3) = 10: c(4) = 50
Print #2, abc(x, 4)
Close #2
Close #1
End Sub
Function abc(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer) As Long
If j = 1 Then
abc = 1
If i < c(j) Then
abc = abc(i, j - 1)
abc = abc(i, j - 1) + abc(i - c(j), j)
End If
End If
End Function
Dim c(4) As Integer
回覆刪除Dim money(1000) As Long
Private Sub Form_Activate()
c(2) = 5: c(3) = 10: c(4) = 50
Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1
Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2
Input #1, x
For i = 0 To x
money(i) = 1
Next i
For i = 2 To 4
For j = 1 To x
If j >= c(i) Then
money(j) = money(j) + money(j - c(i))
End If
Next j
Next i
Print #2, money(x)
Close #1
Close #2
End Sub