Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Hide Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1 Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2 Dim N1 As String, N2 As String, B As String, NS1 As Integer, NS2 As Integer, PLUS, tmp Input #1, N1 Input #1, N2 Do Until Len(N1) = Len(N2) If Len(N1) > Len(N2) Then N2 = "0" & N2 Else N1 = "0" & N1 End If Loop If N1 > N2 Then B = N1 Else B = N2 tmp = 0 For i = Len(B) To 1 Step -1 NS1 = Mid(N1, i, 1) NS2 = Mid(N2, i, 1) L = NS1 + NS2 If L + tmp <= 9 Then ans = (L + tmp) & ans Else ans = (L + tmp) Mod 10 & ans: tmp = (L + tmp) \ 10 If i = 1 And L + tmp > 9 Then ans = "1" & ans Next Print #2, ans Close Close End End Sub
2011年3月21日 星期一
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