「順子」為五張數字連續的牌,數字各差1點的連續牌,從最小 A-2-3-4-5(1-2-3-4-5),到最
最大10-J-Q-K-A(10-11-12-13-14),但不包括J-Q-K-A-2 的連續方式。
同花順 > 四條 > 葫蘆 > 順子 > 三條 > 兩對 > 一對 > 雜牌
同樣組合時,先比數字大小(A 最大再來是K(13)大,2 最小),再比花色。每張牌以一個字母表示花色(S 表黑桃,H 表紅桃,D 表方塊,C 表梅花)及一個介於1~13 之間的數字(A:1、J:11、Q:12、K:13)。花色大小順序為:
黑桃 > 紅桃 > 方塊 > 梅花
例如黑桃同花順 9、10、J(11)、Q(12)、K(13)小於紅桃同花順10、J(11)、Q(12)、K(13)、A,
10、10、10 大於8、8、9、9、9。兩對則以較大的對作判斷,同樣數字時,有黑桃的人贏。
例如:H1 D6 C6 H12 S12 大於H2 D9 C9 D12 C12,因為S12 為黑桃12。雜牌以其中最大的牌作判斷。請幫小朋友們寫個程式,判斷那個小朋友手上的五張牌,找出誰的牌最大和最小。
輸入資料含多個測試案例,每個檔案 in1.txt 和in2.txt 都在各有一副牌52 張的情況下,第1行的數字n 代表有幾筆資料要測試,而n 的值介於3(含)和8(含)之間,每個案例有五張牌,每個測試案例,是其中一位小朋友手上的牌。
按照小朋友手上的五張牌,在 n 個測試案例中,找出那個小朋友的牌是最大和最小,結果按照原來牌的順序輸出那二位小朋友牌是最大和最小的五張牌。每個檔案in1.txt 和in2.txt,各找出一組最大和最小的五張牌。
S3 H5 S4 D5 C5
H7 H8 H10 H9 H11
H1 D6 C6 H12 S12
D12 C12 D9 C9 S13
D2 H5 S2 D5 C5
D3 H4 S1 D7 C8
H1 S7 C7 H13 S13
C2 S3 S4 S6 S8
H7 H8 H10 H9 H11
D12 C12 D9 C9 S13
D2 H5 S2 D5 C5
D3 H4 S1 D7 C8
Dim b, x, k, j
回覆刪除Dim h As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim c As String
Open App.Path & "\in1.txt" For Input As #1
Open App.Path & "\in2.txt" For Input As #2
Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #3
Input #1, n
Input #2, n1
For i = 1 To n
Line Input #1, x
b = Split(x, " ")
Call abc("")
Call abc2
Print #3,
For i = 1 To n1
Line Input #2, x
b = Split(x, " ")
Call abc("")
Call abc2
End Sub
Sub abc(t)
h = False
For i = 0 To UBound(b)
If Len(b(i)) = 3 Then
List1.AddItem Val(Right(b(i), 2)) + 100 & " " & Left(b(i), 1)
List1.AddItem Val(Right(b(i), 1)) + 100 & " " & Left(b(i), 1)
If Right(b(i), 1) = 1 Then List1.AddItem "114" & " " & Left(b(i), 1)
End If
s = 1
s1 = 1
For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 2
c = Split(List1.List(i), " ")
d = Split(List1.List(i + 1), " ")
If Val(d(0)) = Val((c(0) + 1)) Then s = s + 1: h = True
If c(1) = d(1) Then s1 = s1 + 1
If s = 5 And s1 = 5 Then List2.AddItem "1" & " " & x & " " & List1.List(List1.ListCount - 1)
If s = 5 And s1 <> 5 Then List2.AddItem "4" & " " & x & " " & List1.List(List1.ListCount - 1)
s = 1: s2 = 0: s3 = 0: s4 = 0
For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 2
c = Split(List1.List(i), " ")
d = Split(List1.List(i + 1), " ")
If Val(c(0)) = Val(d(0)) Then s = s + 1: h = True
If c(0) <> d(0) And s = 2 Then s2 = s2 + 1: s = 1: Max2 = c(0): h = True
If c(0) <> d(0) And s = 3 Then s3 = s3 + 1: s = 1: Max3 = c(0): h = True
If i = (List1.ListCount - 2) Then
If s = 2 Then s2 = s2 + 1: Max2 = c(0)
If s = 3 Then s3 = s3 + 1: Max3 = c(0)
End If
If s = 4 Then s4 = s4 + 1
If s4 = 1 Then List2.AddItem "2" & " " & x & " " & c(0):
If s3 = 1 And s2 = 1 Then List2.AddItem "3" & " " & x & " " & Max3
If s3 = 1 And s2 <> 1 Then List2.AddItem "5" & " " & x & " " & Max3
If s2 = 2 Then List2.AddItem "6" & " " & x & " " & Max2
If s2 = 1 And s3 <> 1 Then List2.AddItem "7" & " " & x & " " & Max2
If h = False Then List2.AddItem "8" & " " & x & List1.List(List1.ListCount - 1)
End Sub
Sub abc1()
回覆刪除For i = 0 To List2.ListCount - 2
k = Split(List2.List(i), " ")
j = Split(List2.List(i + 1), " ")
If k(0) = j(0) Then
If k(0) = 1 Then Call abc3(i)
If k(6) > j(6) Then
List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf k(6) < j(6) Then
List2.List(i + 1) = "0 0"
If k(0) = 4 Then
Call abc4(i)
For g = 1 To 5
If Str(Mid(k(g), 2)) = Str(k(6) - 100) And Mid(k(g), 1, 1) = "S" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0": Exit For
If Str(Mid(j(g), 2)) = Str(j(6) - 100) And Mid(j(g), 1, 1) = "S" Then List2.List(i + 1) = "0 0": Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub abc3(i)
If Mid(k(1), 1, 1) = "S" Then
List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(j(1), 1, 1) = "S" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(j(1), 1, 1) = "H" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(k(1), 1, 1) = "H" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(j(1), 1, 1) = "D" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(k(1), 1, 1) = "D" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
End If
End Sub
Sub abc4(i)
If Mid(k(5), 1, 1) = "S" Then
List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(j(5), 1, 1) = "S" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(j(5), 1, 1) = "H" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(k(5), 1, 1) = "H" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(j(5), 1, 1) = "D" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
ElseIf Mid(k(5), 1, 1) = "D" Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
End If
End Sub
Sub abc2()
For i = 1 To List2.ListCount - 2
k = Split(List2.List(i), " ")
l = Split(List2.List(i - 1), " ")
j = Split(List2.List(i + 1), " ")
If k(0) > l(0) And k(0) < j(0) Then List2.List(i) = "0 0"
Call abc1
For i = 0 To List2.ListCount - 1
If List2.List(i) = "0 0" Then List2.RemoveItem i
For i = 0 To List2.ListCount - 1
a1 = Split(List2.List(i), " ")
If a1(0) <> 0 Then
For j = 1 To 5
Print #3, a1(j) & " ";
End If
Print #3,
End Sub