Dim flower, continuous, havdo As Boolean Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Hide Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1 Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2 Do Line Input #1, strr colorr = Split("黑桃 紅桃 方塊 梅花", " ") flower = False For i = 0 To 3 ori = Len(strr) strr = Replace(strr, colorr(i), "") If ori - Len(strr) = 10 Then flower = True: Exit For Next
For ii = 1 To 13 ori = Len(strr) strr = Replace(strr, ii, "") If ori - Len(strr) = 1 Then List1.AddItem ii + 10000 If ori - Len(strr) = 2 Then couple = couple + 1 If ori - Len(strr) = 3 Then three = three + 1 If ori - Len(strr) = 4 Then four = four + 1 Next
continuous = False If Val(List1.List(0)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(1)) And Val(List1.List(1)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(2)) And Val(List1.List(2)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(3)) And Val(List1.List(3)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(4)) Then continuous = True: havedo = True If Val(List1.List(0)) - 10000 = 1 And Val(List1.List(1)) - 10000 = 10 And Val(List1.List(2)) - 10000 = 11 And Val(List1.List(3)) - 10000 = 12 And Val(List1.List(4)) - 10000 = 13 Then continuous = True: havedo = True If continuous = True And flower = True Then Print #2, "同花順": havedo = True If continuous = True And flower = False Then Print #2, "順子": havedo = True If four = 1 Then Print #2, "四條": havedo = True If three = 1 And couple = 1 Then Print #2, "葫蘆": havedo = True If couple = 2 Then Print #2, "兩對": havedo = True If couple = 1 And three = 0 Then Print #2, "一對": havedo = True If havedo = False Then Print #2, "雜牌" List1.Clear: couple = 0: three = 0: four = 0: havedo = False Loop Until EOF(1) Close #2 Close #1 End End Sub
Dim b(4) As String Dim c(4), tong, sun, shi, mem As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Hide Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1 Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2 Input #1, x a = Split(x) For i = 0 To 4 a(i) = Replace(a(i), "A", 1): a(i) = Replace(a(i), "J", 11) a(i) = Replace(a(i), "Q", 12): a(i) = Replace(a(i), "K", 13) b(i) = Left(a(i), 2): c(i) = Val(Right(a(i), Len(a(i)) - 2)) Next i i = 0: shi = 1: mem = c(0) For j = i + 1 To 4 If c(j) = c(i) + (j - i) And b(i) = b(j) Then tong = tong + 1 If c(j) = c(i) + (j - i) Then sun = sun + 1 If c(i) = c(j) And c(j) = mem Then shi = shi + 1 Next j If tong = 4 Then Print #2, "同花順": End If sun = 4 Then Print #2, "順子": End If shi = 4 Then Print #2, "四條": End If shi = 3 And c(3) = c(4) Then Print #2, "葫蘆": End If shi = 2 Then For i = 0 To 4 For j = i + 1 To 4 If i <> j Then If c(i) = c(j) Then ans = ans + 1 End If Next j Next If ans = 2 Then Print #2, "兩對": End If ans = 1 Then Print #2, "一對": End End If Print #2, "雜牌" Close #2 Close #1 End End Sub
Dim flower, continuous, havdo As Boolean
回覆刪除Private Sub Form_Load()
Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1
Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2
Line Input #1, strr
colorr = Split("黑桃 紅桃 方塊 梅花", " ")
flower = False
For i = 0 To 3
ori = Len(strr)
strr = Replace(strr, colorr(i), "")
If ori - Len(strr) = 10 Then flower = True: Exit For
For ii = 1 To 13
ori = Len(strr)
strr = Replace(strr, ii, "")
If ori - Len(strr) = 1 Then List1.AddItem ii + 10000
If ori - Len(strr) = 2 Then couple = couple + 1
If ori - Len(strr) = 3 Then three = three + 1
If ori - Len(strr) = 4 Then four = four + 1
continuous = False
If Val(List1.List(0)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(1)) And Val(List1.List(1)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(2)) And Val(List1.List(2)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(3)) And Val(List1.List(3)) + 1 = Val(List1.List(4)) Then continuous = True: havedo = True
If Val(List1.List(0)) - 10000 = 1 And Val(List1.List(1)) - 10000 = 10 And Val(List1.List(2)) - 10000 = 11 And Val(List1.List(3)) - 10000 = 12 And Val(List1.List(4)) - 10000 = 13 Then continuous = True: havedo = True
If continuous = True And flower = True Then Print #2, "同花順": havedo = True
If continuous = True And flower = False Then Print #2, "順子": havedo = True
If four = 1 Then Print #2, "四條": havedo = True
If three = 1 And couple = 1 Then Print #2, "葫蘆": havedo = True
If couple = 2 Then Print #2, "兩對": havedo = True
If couple = 1 And three = 0 Then Print #2, "一對": havedo = True
If havedo = False Then Print #2, "雜牌"
List1.Clear: couple = 0: three = 0: four = 0: havedo = False
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close #2
Close #1
End Sub
Dim b(4) As String
回覆刪除Dim c(4), tong, sun, shi, mem As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Open App.Path & "\in.txt" For Input As #1
Open App.Path & "\out.txt" For Output As #2
Input #1, x
a = Split(x)
For i = 0 To 4
a(i) = Replace(a(i), "A", 1): a(i) = Replace(a(i), "J", 11)
a(i) = Replace(a(i), "Q", 12): a(i) = Replace(a(i), "K", 13)
b(i) = Left(a(i), 2): c(i) = Val(Right(a(i), Len(a(i)) - 2))
Next i
i = 0: shi = 1: mem = c(0)
For j = i + 1 To 4
If c(j) = c(i) + (j - i) And b(i) = b(j) Then tong = tong + 1
If c(j) = c(i) + (j - i) Then sun = sun + 1
If c(i) = c(j) And c(j) = mem Then shi = shi + 1
Next j
If tong = 4 Then Print #2, "同花順": End
If sun = 4 Then Print #2, "順子": End
If shi = 4 Then Print #2, "四條": End
If shi = 3 And c(3) = c(4) Then Print #2, "葫蘆": End
If shi = 2 Then
For i = 0 To 4
For j = i + 1 To 4
If i <> j Then
If c(i) = c(j) Then ans = ans + 1
End If
Next j
If ans = 2 Then Print #2, "兩對": End
If ans = 1 Then Print #2, "一對": End
End If
Print #2, "雜牌"
Close #2
Close #1
End Sub